Programs & Services
Agape Christian Homes (ACH) is state licensed by the Community Care Licensing Department to provide residential homes to adults with disabilities. ACH currently operates two residential homes in Long Beach, the Senasac home for men and the Clark home for women. Both homes offer 24-hour care including daily living skills such as self-care, household skills, cooking, and more. Services also include recreational activities, day programs and residents participate in the Special Olympics. All programs and services are designed to provide opportunities for expanded growth for residents encouraging them to pursue their own interests and to take advantage of all life has to offer them.
The past embraces the future. The future embraces the past. They are both intertwined. Linked in all eternity. —By Karen Hackel
The "Intertwine Program" utilizes Agape Christian Home's 27 years of experience providing care to adults with developmental disabilities to provide support to families with children, 0-17 years of age, with developmental disabilities. Through the following key strategies:
Social and emotional support: Agape Christian Homes provides bi-monthly support to families with children, 0-17 years of age, with developmental. Support group topics include discussions/videos: 1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders; Zero to Three Child Care Anthology; Access and Inclusion for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders; and Down Syndrome: Growing and Learning, and more. This is also an opportunity for parents/caregivers to socialize and hopefully, laugh and enjoy one another.
Financial literacy and resources: Incudes topics on financial literacy i.e. CapitalOne MoneyWi$e (understanding savings, credit, loans, etc.) In addition to providing updated resources on individual grant programs. and more.
Community Outreach and Volunteer Program: Agape Christian Homes provides outreach throughout Long Beach and surrounding communities. We also offer a volunteer program consisting of older adults and seniors who volunteer in Special Needs classrooms. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Faye Norman at (562) 421-3889.
In Need of Respite Care? ACH offers "respite care" to assist caregivers in need of a place to care for their love ones in case of a family emergency, Illness, or just a well-deserved vacation. ACH is one of the few programs where respite care is still available.
If interested, please contact (562) 421-4690.
ACH is a vendor of the Harbor Regional Center. All clients have the right to contact the Department of Developmental Services with complaints or to receive a description of appeals and procedures.
Department of Developmental Services:
(916) 654-1987
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